Press Statements

TN PUCL Statement on Forest Rights Act

05 Aug, 2016

PUCL urges the Tamil Nadu govt to issue land to tribals and forest dwellers as per forest rights act 2006 on the wake of Supreme Court Removes Only Court Order against FRA in Country. On 1.2.2016, the Supreme Court overturned a 2008 Madras High Court interim order – obtain prior permission from court when issue land title to...

PUCL Mysore statement on Mysore Communal Incidents, 13-14th March, 2016

01 Jan, 1970

The violent incidence that occurred on 13-14th March, 2016 following the murder of Raju  BJP worker at Mysore could have been avoided by the District administration. The PUCL team of Dr V. Lakshminarayana, Mr TR Nataraja, Prof Kumaraswamy, Com Javaraiah, Mr Budha & Dr Rati ER, visited Devraj market, the disputed madrasa and m...

Haryana Jat Riots for Reservation in Jobs

01 Apr, 2016

There was a total anarchy in Haryana for 10 days; and horribly there was no government (State or Central) both had fallen in the hands of violent mob called `Jat rights’ who were local goons who, under the pretext for JAT Reservation, did full damage to the civil life of Haryana. The government machinery had failed to anticipate...

Press Statement on JNU and Related Incidents, February, 2016

01 Apr, 2016

Issued by People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL), National Alliance of People’s Movements (NAPM) and progressive organisations and individuals in Pune1 ‘Stop attacks on autonomy of educational institutions for political interests !’ ‘We condemn the assaults on journalists, teachers and students in Delhi !’ The event...

The Lynch Mob of Latehar

20 Mar, 2016

In the early hours of 18th March 2016, Mohammad Majloom Ansari (35) and Inayahtullah Khan (12) were found hanging from a tree in the Balumath forest area in Latehar, Jharkhand. Residents of Balugoan and Nawada villages, Ansari and young Khan were on their way to the weekly cattle fair with their eight buffaloes when they were sto...

PUCL Statement on the Arrest of Human Rights Activist Debaranjan Sarangi

19 Mar, 2016

People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) condemns the arrest of Shri Debaranjan Sarangi, an active member of Ganatantrik Adhikar Surakyaa Sangathan (GASS), who was arrested by the plain‐clothed policemen in the morning hours on 18th March from the village Kucheipadar in Kashipur Block of Raygada district. PUCL learnt from the...

“Make public M.B. Shah Commission’s Report on 14 Cases of Corruption charges leveled against Gujarat’s Modi Government” Statement issued by CFD, PUCL-Gujarat, Gujarat Social Watch and others, 08th March, 2016.

08 Mar, 2016

There was a total anarchy in Haryana for 10 days; and horribly there was no government (State or Central) both had fallen in the hands of violent mob called `Jat rights’ who were local goons who, under the pretext for JAT Reservation, did full damage to the civil life of Haryana. The government machinery had failed to anticipate...

PUCL statement on premature release of Veerappan case prisoners in Karnataka

01 Mar, 2016

We welcome the decision of Karnataka govt for premature release of life convict who had served more than 14 years in jail. But four detenues in the Veerappan case Meeesai Mathaiyan, Pelaventhran, Simon, Gnanapragasam are languishing in Karnataka prisons for more than 21years under TADA case conviction. Two years back the SC commut...

Statement of Solidarity with the lawyers and activists who are being prevented from working for legal rights of tribal undertrial prisoners of Bastar on behalf of the civil society of West Bengal

01 Mar, 2016

The Jagdalpur Legal Aid Group (JAGLAG) was established by three freshly graduate lawyers and one young activist in 2013 with the purpose of representing tribal under trial prisoners who have been charged with sedition, often under the UAPA, the NIA, the Chhattisgarh Special Public Security Act and such other draconian ‘counter-t...

How Democracy ‘Uses’ a Colonial Law

16 Feb, 2016

PUDR has continually critiqued the existence of the colonial law of sedition and its unconstitutional application at the behest of those who hold state power, in cases that do not stand the test of law. The arrest of SAR Geelani, Professor at the University of Delhi, on charges of sedition on 16th February 2016, is yet again a cas...