Press Statements

Press Statement on Shootout of a juvenile by a Chennai Police Inspector

08 Jan, 2014

PUCL is shocked to know that a 14 year old boy was shot in his throat by a duty Inspector of Neelankarai Police Station, Chennai while being interrogated in connection with a theft in a temple in the same area on 7th January evening. PUCL strongly condemns the highhanded, criminal and unacceptable act of R. Pushparaj, Inspector of...

Land Acquisition Act, 1894 of British Legacy Comes to an End

01 Jan, 2014

This is the time to hail the struggle, salute the martyrs and take the people’s movements forward. Today along with the ending of the year 2013 the Act of British legacy on Land Acquisition, 1894 also came to an end. It was this Act that brought in undemocratic and unjust eviction and displacement of crores of our brethren as al...

PUDR welcomes study on ‘Alleged Perpetrators’ on the culture of impunity in Jammu and Kashmir

26 Dec, 2013

People’s Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR) welcomes the release of the study “Alleged Perpetrators” by the International Peoples’ Tribunal on Human Rights and Justice in Indian-Administered Kashmir (IPTK) and Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP) on the culture of impunity ubiquitous in the state of Jammu a...

Facts on Issue of Eviction Notice to Non-Tribals in Attapady, Palakkad District, Kerala

14 Dec, 2013

Misinformation campaign The present issue of the notice to restore the illegally occupied lands to the Adivasis in Attapady of Palakkad district in Kerala is mischievously interpreted as an ‘anti-Tamil’ action of the Kerala government. This gives another excuse to the Kerala government to deny the rights of Adivasis in general...

Challenge the Draconian Black Laws in Meghalaya

13 Dec, 2013

Statement from Thma-U-Rangli-Juki (TUR), an organisation based in Shillong, Meghalaya forwarded AHRC: 10.12.2013 Thma-U-Rangli-Juki (TUR), a progressive people’s organisation, will hold a street corner meeting on the draconian Meghalaya Preventive Detention Act (MPDA), 1995 and Meghalaya Maintenance of Public Order Act (MMPO...

PUCL Statement on SC Judgment reversing Naaz ruling of Delhi High Court “Repeal S.377 IPC ! Use of s.377 IPC is itself an abuse!”

12 Dec, 2013

New Delhi: 12.12.2013 The People’s Union of Civil Liberties is shocked and expresses its deepest disappointment at the judgment of the Supreme Court in `Suresh Kumar Kaushal v Naz Foundation’ delivered on December 11th, 2013, reversing the Delhi High Court judgment of 2009 which had recognized that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, ...

India: Where Freedom & Dignity Remain a Mirage

08 Dec, 2013

On International Human Rights Day, 10 December Statement from the AHRC: December 8, 2013 India: Where Freedom & Dignity Remain a Mirage Human Rights Day commemorates the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948, which declares freedom and equality for every human being in the world. The Indian...

Press Statement urging Justice Mr. Ganguly to resign

07 Dec, 2013

7th December 2013 In view of the committee of three Supreme Court judges holding Justice (Retired) Mr. A.K. Ganguly guilty of “An act of unwelcome behavior (unwelcome verbal /nonverbal conduct of sexual nature)” with an intern, the People’s Union for Civil Liberties urges Justice Mr. Ganguly to gracefully tender ...

Landmark Order in PUCL’s Petition – Punjab and Haryana High Court Directs the Haryana Government to Re-examine the provisions which had put an absolute bar on grant of Parole and Furlough to a category of prisoners

05 Dec, 2013

5th December 2013 The Division Bench of the Punjab and Haryana High Court consisting of the Chief Justice and Justice AG Masih, in a landmark judgment in a PIL filed by human rights organization PUCL (People’s Union for Civil Liberties), issued a direction to the State Government to reexamine the newly inserted provisions of the...

Press Statement on the Tehelka Sexual Assault Case

02 Dec, 2013

02.12.2013 The PUCL 1. Expresses Solidarity with the struggle of the Tehelka Journalist who raised her voice against Rape and Intimidation by the Ex-Editor Tarun Tejpal. 2. Demands fair investigation and early charge sheet into the matter, from the Goa Police. 3. Considers Six Day of Custodial interrogation of Tarun Tejpal granted...