Prof. Daisy Narain : An Irreplaceable Loss to PUCL and Us

Aug 06, 2021
By Prof. Prabhakar Sinha

Prof. Daisy Narain joined PUCL more than 25 years ago and continued to serve the organisation and the cause it espouses till her last breath despite the suffering from her indifferent health. It was seldom that she skipped the weekly meetings, which the Bihar PUCL has been religiously holding for more than last 35 years. There was no area of organisations’ activity in which she did not participate with devotion and sincerity. She was ever ready to join a fact finding committee, visit district units for helping the organisation and participate in seminars to enlighten the members on issues which needed such assistance. In addition to the issues the organisation has been taking up, she made us more aware of issues concerning women and children. Additionally she almost alone took the responsibility of publication of our literature. Bihar PUCL was conscious  of the inspiring role that ideas play in the growth and efficacy of any organisation, and made it a point to publish a significant number of booklets on issues of our concern. The credit for their publication primarily goes to her.

In recognition of her contribution, she was elected as a Secretary in 2002 and a Vice President in 2005 and President in 2014. She was also a National Vice President. She had decided to step down making way for a new President, but due to Covid-19, the State Convention could not be held. But despite her indifferent health and the pain and anxiety it caused, she was never on leave unless compelled to be hospitalised. Never was she without her smile when attending meetings and  making light of not only the pain but also the gravity of her ailment. I have yet to see a person with such a spirit.

In her death, we have lost not only an invaluable colleague and friend, but also an irreplaceable asset.

Prabhakar Sinha