Killing Of Three Dalit Youths And Other Atrocities Against Their Families in Sagar District (MP)

In August 2023, there were widespread media reports of the lynching of an 18-year-old Dalit youth named Nitin Ahirwar by members of the village elite in Baraudiya Naunagir village of Sagar district, Madhya Pradesh. His mother, who tried to save him, was also severely beaten up and stripped, and their home was looted and smashed. Subsequently, Nitin’s sister Anjana made strenuous efforts to secure justice for her family. Suddenly, at the end of May 2024, it was reported that Nitin’s uncle, Rajendra Ahirwar, had also been murdered, and that Anjana, who was accompanying his body, had died after “falling” from the hearse. Shocked by the persistent violence and the suspicious death of a brave young woman like Anjana, many concerned citizens formed a small team to conduct a detailed citizens’ investigation of this case. The team visited the village and interacted with the victims’ families, police and administrative officials, journalists, lawyers and several others, and examined relevant documents and media reports, to prepare this report.
The team members were Advocate Mohan Dixit, Rohit (Independent Journalist), Advocate Aditya Rawat, Neelu (Eka Collective), Sadaf Khan (Independent Journalist), Madhuri (PUCL-People’s Union for Civil Liberties), Anjali (ALIFA – All India Feminist Alliance- NAPM), and Nitin (Jagrit Adivasi Dalit Sangathan).
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Right to Justice, Right to Life
Caste violence, Caste Atrocities, Hate Crimes, Madhya Pradesh, Dalit youths killed