We Salute the Four Hon’ble Judges

Tags: Chief Justice of India (CJI), Master of the Roster, Case Allocation, Judicial Norms, Judicial Precedents, Bench Allocation, Selective Allocation, Judicial Discipline, Political Influence on Judiciary
Related Issue: Right to Equality
The four senior most judges of the Supreme Court have done a singular service to the nation by highlighting their concerns by way of the Press conference. It is obvious that their main purpose was to warn the nation against the dangerous drift towards arbitrariness and questionable procedures adopted by the Chief Justice of India which adversely impact the administration of justice. The judges have rightly said that unless this institution i.e. the Supreme Court is preserved and it maintains its equanimity, democracy will not survive in this country or in any other country. No doubt that the Chief Justice of India has the prerogative to fix benches for particular cases but this power cannot be exercised in arbitrary manner against established judicial norms. Present Chief Justice of India appears to have violated those settled judicial norms and healthy precedents in the garb of his prerogative. While it was the duty and obligation of the Bar Councils and Advocates associations to raise their voice against such undemocratic and arbitrary drift, we are anguished to note that these councils and associations, barring few distinguished advocates, have miserably failed at this critical juncture of our nation.
We hope that the present Chief Justice, in league with fellow judges, would rise to the occasion and function in such a way that would restore the public confidence in the Supreme Court as a citadel of justice and a bulwark of democracy. We salute Justice Chelameswar, Justice Gogoi, Justice Madan Lokur and Justice Kurien Joseph for what they have done; and are sure that their names will be written in golden letters in the judicial history and democratic annals of this country.
N.D.Pancholi, General Secretary; Anil Sinha, Secretary, CFD