PUCL statement on premature release of Veerappan case prisoners in Karnataka

Tags: Veerappan case convincts, Karnataka Jail, TADA
Related Issue: Right of Undertrials
We welcome the decision of Karnataka govt for premature release of life convict who had served more than 14 years in jail. But four detenues in the Veerappan case Meeesai Mathaiyan, Pelaventhran, Simon, Gnanapragasam are languishing in Karnataka prisons for more than 21years under TADA case conviction. Two years back the SC commuted their death penalty to life imprisonment. We understood that they are maintaining good record during their stay in prison. Sandal wood smuggler Veerappan issue already over. The said persons arrived as accused in the case by circumstances. Almost all are very aged people and physically and mentally ill. Despite case of conviction was under TADA state govt can initiate effort for detenues premature release in consultation with the Central Government. Hence we urge the Karnataka state government to kindly consider as a special case on humanitarian grounds to release the above hapless prisoners who have spent more than two decades in Karnataka jails.