PUCL Mysore statement on Mysore Communal Incidents, 13-14th March, 2016

Jan 01, 1970
Tags: Murder of BJP Worker, Mob violence and Vandalism
Related Issue: Right to Life with Dignity and Right to Safety

The violent incidence that occurred on 13-14th March, 2016 following the murder of Raju  BJP worker at Mysore could have been avoided by the District administration.

The PUCL team of Dr V. Lakshminarayana, Mr TR Nataraja, Prof Kumaraswamy, Com Javaraiah, Mr Budha & Dr Rati ER, visited Devraj market, the disputed madrasa and murder spot at Udayagiri and met the Police Commissioner on 15-03-2016. Miscreants entered Devraja market from clock tower side into fruit stall street.

Though shops were closed, the mobs lifted the coverings, started looting breaking hanging bulbs and decorations with sticks, and in the process beat up a youth on his head causing head injury. Metal vendors in the next street were attacked. We spoke to shop owners who were all Muslims. Some affected had gone to police station to record statements.

Next we proceeded towards Udayagiri through Mahadevpura road when we witnessed the flag march of RAF, KSRP, mounted police, & police band & others. They were all armed. Next a quick visit to disputed madrasa site, teashop the murder site was made. Heavy police force was manning these areas. We met police commissioner.

PUCL press statement

  1. PUCL condemns barbaric killing of BJP activist Raju.
  2. If District Administration had resorted to firm action, vandalism  by BJP workers could have been contained. It would have prevented attack on Muslim shops and persons.
  3. Team opined that for two days the State at Mysore city was inactive thus helping  BJP’s political advantage.
  4. The PUCL urges the State to arrest the murderers immediately. Also to arrest every person who were involved in vandalism and attack on Muslim persons.
  5. After 2009 Kyathmarahalli communal riots at Mysore Sangh Parivar is accusing Muslims for imagined crimes for their own political gains.

PUCL urges all democratic forces to be on guard against the machinations of Sangh Parivar.

Secretary, PUCL Mysore.